Monday, 12 December 2016

Economics Assignment content and structure

Students who have spent most of their undergraduate careers solving problems and tackling exercises are likely to need specific help in constructing a coherent argument through continuous prose and appropriate structuring of material. Furthermore, the Economics Assignment will require them to move beyond the descriptive to analysis and evaluation. These are also key skills that may only be developed through the Economics Assignment in many Economics Assignment undergraduate programmers.

Students need further guidance to keep an appropriate balance between the key components. The temptation is to use up too many words in the early sections in introducing the topic and describing the background. This is especially tempting in relation to some projects. For example, a student investigating a question in the context of a particular country may begin by describing the Economics Assignment conditions of that country, so that the report comes to resemble something more appropriate for economic history or geography than Economics Assignment. On the other hand, there may be a temptation to take some of the Economics Assignment analysis for granted, thus missing the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Economics Assignment analysis and thereby showcasing their skills to the examiner. This question of knowing what to include and what to omit is a tricky one, and an area in which supervisors will need to be ready to offer guidance. Another challenge is for students to be evaluative and analytic, going beyond description.

At the outset, students often find it intimidating to launch themselves on writing an 8,000 or 10,000 word report. It is important to find a way of overcoming this. One way is to encourage students to draw up a chapter plan at an early stage. This could be based on the general pattern set out above, with the students being asked to draft a few sentences describing the intended content of each chapter, and a target word count. This has the advantage of breaking the overall task into a sequence of shorter pieces of work, which may be less intimidating. Making some examples of previous Economics Assignments available for students to consult may also be helpful, as they are able to see what can be achieved, as well as getting a feel for how to structure a long report.